Should You Wash Your Face Twice a Day?

Posted by Hoan Nguyen on

Should you wash your face twice a day? Skincare can feel so overwhelming, especially if you’re just trying to figure it out. Everyone’s skin is different, which means it’s best to figure out exactly the routine that works best for you. It’s super common for people to recommend that you wash your face twice a day, but why is this? How can it benefit your skin? When you use our Papaya Enzyme Powder Face Cleanser or Charcoal Powder Face Cleanser, you’ll be getting maximum benefits for your skin. From the detoxifying powers of activated charcoal to the brightening powers of papaya, washing your face has never felt so good.

Is it okay to wash your face twice a day?

It is absolutely okay to wash your face twice a day, and many people prefer it. Washing your face twice a day means you can get rid of any oils from sleeping first thing in the morning, and get rid of the dirt from the day right before bed, which will help prevent acne and blemishes in the long term. Washing your face twice a day is also a really good way to establish a routine with your skincare so that you can make it a part of your day, rather than something you have to do.

 mellamolady using Hanalei papaya powder face wash

What are the benefits?

Washing your face twice a day is a great way to get maximum benefits to your skin. With our Papaya Enzyme Powder Face Cleanser, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of pure papaya twice a day, including gentle exfoliation, brightening, moisturizing, and reducing signs of aging. Our Charcoal Powder Face Cleanser is the perfect detox. It also helps to balance your skin’s moisture levels, so you can wake up and go to bed knowing you’ve taken good care of your beautiful face.

Will it dry out my skin?

Everyone’s skin is so different, so it’s hard to say for sure what will dry out your skin. Both our Papaya Enzyme Powder Face Cleanser and Charcoal Powder Face Cleansers have moisturizing benefits, but if your skin does feel a bit dry, follow up with an occasional face mask. Our Face Sheet Masks have amazing benefits, and if you’re looking for more moisture or hydration, make sure you go with either a papaya or pear mask to top off your skincare routine to perfection.

Buy Hanalei Sheet Masks to hydrate and moisturize

Do I have to exfoliate after cleansing?

Exfoliating is a great way to allow beneficial ingredients to do the most for your skin, but with our powder face cleansers, there’s no need to add in the extra step of exfoliating. Both powder face cleansers have exfoliating benefits as well as cleansing benefits, so there’s no need to exfoliate before you wash—cleansing your face is now just one easy step!

Washing your face twice a day is one of the best ways to establish a skincare routine and provide maximum benefits for your skin. When you use our Papaya Enzyme Powder Face Cleanser or Charcoal Powder Face Cleanser, you’ll be able to get the ultimate daily cleansing, and with brightening and exfoliating properties, you truly can’t go wrong.

Buy Hanalei Charcoal Face Wash                                        Buy Hanalei Papaya Face Wash


About the author:

Halle Homel is currently based in Southern California, where she spends her time with her family and dog, Josey when she’s not traveling. She spends her free time exploring new places, practicing yoga, and working on her blog, Halle’s Wandering Soul. Follow her on Instagram @halleswanderingsoul


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