How to Self-Tan Your Face

Posted by Halle Homel on

With winter coming in fast, you might be feeling less like yourself in your skin. While we love celebrating our natural beauty, some people simply feel more confident with a tan, and that’s okay! Since winter causes us to cover up more of our bodies, let’s talk about self-tanner, and how you can self-tan your face this winter.

Self Tanning Mousse

What self-tanner should I use?

Self-tanning can feel intimidating, which is why we recommend our Self-Tanning Mousse for all your self-tanning needs. This self-tanner is super easy to apply with our applicator mitt. This Self-Tanning Mousse is lightweight and goes on with no streaks, so that you can get an even tan all over. This is perfect for using on your whole body, but also works great for your face, so you can get an even tan on your face during the winter.

 How to self tan

How do I self-tan my face?

Our self-tanner gradually darkens over time, so you want to make sure you’re applying an even amount, but when you’re self-tanning your face, it’s important to make sure you’re using a smaller amount with a thinner layer so that you don’t accidentally tan your skin too dark. This self-tanner is the perfect fast-drying formula, which means it won’t take that long to get the perfect tan. We also highly recommend using our applicator mitt, even on your face, so that you can create an even layer of self-tanner. That will make it so that your tan is even, and looks perfectly natural, like you just stepped off the Hawaiian Islands.

Self Tanning Mousse

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Why should I use an applicator mitt?

Our applicator mitt (sold separately), is the best way to get an even layer of self-tanner. When you use your fingers to apply, you might end up with some areas that are darker than others. Because our self-tanner is in mousse form, the mitt allows you to spread the mousse evenly, so that your tan looks natural, even in the winter.

Looking to add more temporary warmth to your face? Try our matte bronzer!

Natural Self-Tanner For the Face

About the author:

Halle Homel is currently based in Southern California, where she spends her time with her family and dog, Lassen when she’s not traveling. She spends her free time exploring new places, practicing yoga, and working on her blog, Halle’s Wandering Soul. Follow her on Instagram @sunbirdsoul

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